40 Prayer Points For The Fulfillment of Prophecy

40 Prayer Points For The Fulfillment of Prophecy – God’s desire for all of His children is for all of their prophesies to be fulfilled in their endeavors. As God’s children, we are required to offer everything to our heavenly Father in prayer so that he can watch over their prosperity.

A prophecy is a future forecast of events made by prophets under divine inspiration.

90:17 Psalm “And may the Lord our God bless us and make our efforts effective.” Yes, please help us succeed.”

Prayer Points For The Fulfillment of Prophecy
Prayer Points For The Fulfillment of Prophecy

As Christians, we are also obliged to come to God in prayer anytime we get any favorable prophesies, demonstrating the significance of prophecy fulfillment prayer. Many things may try to distract us while we wait for prophecies to be fulfilled, such as anxiety, nervousness, and fear, but when we come to God in prayer about the prophecies and place everything in His hands, God will surely and definitely see to it that the good and great prophecies are fulfilled.

As Christians, we must understand that the archive of our prophesies is only possible because of God and through Him. We must recognize that our efforts alone will not suffice, and we must instead rely on God’s hands to bring the predictions to fruition.

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40 Prayer Points For The Fulfillment of Prophecy :

1. In Jesus’ name, I thank you for your abundant supply and provision for me and my home.

2. In Jesus’ name, I thank you, Father, for your compassion and kindness toward me and my family.

3. In Jesus’ name, I adore you, Lord, for your faithfulness to me and my home.

4. In Jesus’ name, my Father, I thank you for your love and mercy shown to me and my family.

5. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, I demand every wicked gang of the adversary invading my life to disperse.

6. In Jesus’ name, I demand every gang of every invisible opponent opposing my positive prophecy to be scattered by fire.

7. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, let every invisible force and enemy acting against my big prophecy perish by fire.

8. In Jesus’ name, I order today, by your authority, that every monitoring arrow of the Invisible adversary utilized in monitoring big prophecy catch fire and be torn to pieces.

9. In Jesus’ name, make me invisible and invincible to every invisible adversary and arrow.

10. Oh Lord, today I set fire to the Invisible enemy’s terrible arrows and burn them to ashes in Jesus’ name.

11. In Jesus’ name, my Father, by your fire and strength, strike and destroy every invisible arrow designed to harm my spiritual existence with ill luck.

12. In Jesus’ name, my Father, quiet every demonic and invisible tongue that speaks negatively into my life.

13. In Jesus’ name, I order that every stubborn and unrepentant foe of my life, destiny, profession, academics, business, family, marriage, and ministry be consumed by your burning fire.

14. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, every arrow aimed against my Prophecy by the evil and invisible adversary will backfire.

15. In Jesus’ name, my Father, devour with fire every malicious arrow of the wicked enemy aimed at my life and destiny.

16. Oh Lord, I decree that from today, every wicked arrow aimed towards the fulfillment of my prophecy be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

17. In Jesus’ name, I decree that no wicked scheme or agenda of the Invisible arrow shall stand against my great Prophecy, spiritual life, destiny, career, academics, business, family, marriage, and ministry.

18. In Jesus’ name, Oh Lord, destroy by your kindness every negative arrow of poverty and death aimed at me and my home.

19. In Jesus’ name, I demand every evil authority of the wicked and invisible arrow to be rendered useless against my life destiny and family.

20. In Jesus’ name, I suppress every demonic force revealing bad things in my prophecy, prosperity, life, work, academics, business, family, marriage, and ministry.

21. Oh Lord, create your mercy and protection wall around me and my home, so that we are impervious to every evil arrow, in Jesus’ name.

22. In Jesus’ name, bring confusion into the camp of all invisible enemies and let them be consumed.

23. In Jesus’ name, my Father, I will not be a victim of delayed prophecy.

24. In Jesus’ name, Father, protect me and my home and hide us under the shadow of your wings.

25. In Jesus’ name, Father, guard and keep me from every evil arrow of the wicked and invisible adversary.

26. Oh Lord, awaken, come to my foundation, and shake off every evil invisible arrow tied to my huge prophecy in Jesus’ name.

27. In Jesus’ name, my Father, arise, battle, and defeat all demonic spirits opposing me with the delay of Prophecy.

28. Oh Lord, by your Visitation, I deflect every evil arrow aimed for me, in Jesus’ name.

29. Oh Lord, scatter by fire any malicious plot to postpone my great Prophecy with a negative arrow in Jesus’ name.

30. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, arise in your compassion and destroy every invisible adversary and power supporting bad arrows into my good Prophecy, spiritual riches, life, destiny, job, academics, business, family, marriage, and ministry.

31. In Jesus’ name, I bind every wicked and evil force that is sending a negative arrow into my life and prosperity.

32. In Jesus’ name, I soak myself and my home in the Blood of Jesus, and we become impenetrable to all evil darts.

33. In Jesus’ name, I tear down every wicked and demonic spiritual building that stands in the way of prophecy fulfillment and my promised land.

34. In Jesus’ name, I demand the gates of prophecy fulfillment, mercy, blessings, and favor to be opened to me.

35. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, I command the spirit of a winner and excellent dreams to take over my life and make me a winner in all aspects of my life.

36. In Jesus’ name, I announce and proclaim today, by your compassion, my triumph over all the wicked invisible adversary and power of evil arrows of poverty on my life and destiny.

37. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, quiet every negative mouth that speaks negativity into my big prophecy.

38. In Jesus’ name, guard me and my home from every arrow of delay aimed against me and my great prophecy and success.

39. Oh Lord, cast your Visitation eye on me and my home and accelerate the fulfillment of prophecy in Jesus’ name.

40. Oh Lord, in Jesus’ name, arise and purify my life, family, work, profession, company, academics, and ministry of all forms of poverty.

41. In Jesus’ name, I shall be a candidate for fulfilled prophecy and compassion, visitation.

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